Vote David Gaertner

For Matthews Board of Commissioners

David Gaertner For Matthews Board of Commissioners

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the Town of Matthews Board of Commissioners. I firmly believe that the voice of the citizens should always be prioritized above all else. With your support, I intend to champion the needs and aspirations of our community, ensuring that every decision made reflects the values and concerns of our residents.  – David Gaertner

Citizen Empowerment

Every resident should have a say in the decisions that shape our town’s future. I will actively engage with the community through regular town hall meetings, listening sessions, and online platforms to ensure that your ideas, concerns, and aspirations are heard and considered.

Transparency & Accountability

I firmly believe in open and honest governance. I will advocate for increased transparency in decision-making processes, ensuring that the actions of the Board of Commissioners are easily accessible and understandable for all residents. I will prioritize accountability by holding public officials and employees to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

Community Partnerships

Collaboration is key to the success of any community. I will foster strong partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and educational institutions to leverage their expertise and resources for the benefit of our town. Together, we can build a vibrant and sustainable future for the Town of Matthews. 

Responsible Development

While development can contribute to our town’s progress, it should never come at the expense of our quality of life. I will work tirelessly to strike a balance between growth and preservation, ensuring that new projects align with our community’s vision, respect our natural resources, and enhance our infrastructure without overburdening our neighborhoods. 


In recent years, our beloved town has experienced rapid growth and development. While progress can bring many benefits, we must ensure that our community’s character and well-being are not compromised in the process. That’s why I am committed to fostering a transparent, inclusive, and citizen-centric approach to governing. 

Let’s create a brighter future together! 

Vote David Gaertner for Matthews Board of Commissioner on November 7, 2023